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How do I create promo codes for my event?

Promo Codes can be created for your event using the "Promote" feature on the left tool bar.

1. Select "Promote" from the left tool bar and then click "Create Promo."
2. Select whether you want to create a single promo code or multiple.



3. Whether you're making one code or multiple, your next step will be choosing whether to apply the code(s) to your entire account or specific tags, events, or tickets.


If making a single promo code, you will then have to create your own code, promotional value, and start and end date. You can also choose to set a maximum use number and/or limit the number of uses per order. 



If creating multiple promo codes, you will need to enter a code prefix (this will be the beginning of every code that is created) as well as the number of codes you want to create, the promo value, and start and end date. You can also choose to set a maximum use number and/or limit the number of uses per order. 


4. Once you've reviewed and saved your promo code(s) you can view them by clicking back on the "Promote" tab on the left tool bar.

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