Welcome to EventSprout!
Your first step will be to create an EventSprout account HERE. Be sure to select the box that says "Create Events".
From there, you'll be directed to the Event Organizer backend of EventSprout where you can:
- Create and personalize your event(s).
- Start selling tickets right away.
- For paid events, instantly accept payments and monitor revenue.
- Track web traffic, ticket trends, and more.
If you know you want to charge for your event, please immediately go through the "Upgrade Account" process HERE.
To begin creating your event, choose "Events", and then "Create Event" from the upper right hand corner. Keep in mind, if you'd like to charge for your event you have to upgrade first.
From there, you'll be lead through eight event creation steps:
1. Event Info
- Here's where you will fill in basic event information including: event name, contact information, event website URL, event date, location, ticket sales dates, and event settings.
2. Tickets
- Next, you'll fill in ticket name(s) and description(s), quantities available, age limit on tickets, and more.
- You can also do "groups" of tickets if you have more than one price for a general admission option. For example, the second ticket in this group is "hidden" which can be edited by clicking the three dots to the far right of the ticket. You can also schedule a ticket's price jump there, and start/stop sales of that particular ticket.
3. Add Ons
- This is where you can sell items in addition to tickets. For example: t-shirts, novelty gifts, etc.
4. Charity: This is where you can prompt customers to choose to donate to a non-profit of your choice. EventSprout will include all donated funds in your weekly payment and you are responsible for sending the funds to your designated charity. EventSprout is NOT responsible for distributing funds to any charity.
5. Order Form: This is where you can select which attendee information you want to collect from your customers at check-out. By default, EventSprout requires that you collect First Names, Last Names, and Email Addresses from your customers. You may choose to ask any other question you would like including phone number, address, etc. You may create your own question to ask about the buyer or all attendees within the order.
6. Confirmation: This section is for personalizing your confirmation email/order receipt. Note: we have set up a default confirmation email for you that includes all order information. However, you can add additional content and messaging here if you'd like.
7. Design: Add event images, edit the colors, and change what the "Buy Tickets" button says here.
8. Social: Here, you can set up a social incentive and offer your customers a discount for promoting your event.
Finally, Activate!
- Your event will be hidden from public view until it is "Live" or activated within EventSprout. If you preview your event before it is live, pricing tiers, promotions, etc. will not be in effect.
- The main tool that determines whether your event is active or inactive is the "Event Status" function in the top right hand corner of your screen in the Event Editing process.
- Your event will not appear on EventSprout outside of your Start and End Date range. To push the event live, simply change the start date to today's date and time, or a date/time in the past. Then, click "Save" or "Activate" (if you have not previously activated your event).
Once your event is live, start publishing your event link out to guests, event websites etc.
Note: Post activation, you are still able to make changes to your purchase process. To do so, go to "Events", then "Search Events" on the left side bar. Here, you can choose the applicable event and make any necessary changes.